Friday, November 24, 2017

The Unguet Grave by Sharyn McCrumb

Based upon the tale of the Greenbrier Ghost of West Virginia the tale focuses on the murder or a young newlywed woman from the point of view of her mother and an attorney that helped with the defense.  An excellent meshing of different times, people of a variety of social classes, economics and race relations.

As always well written with a nice little twist at the end which will change your entire view of the way the murder was discovered.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Magnus Chase - The Ship of the Dead

Book Three featuring Magnus Chase finds him basically killing himself over and over at the behest of Percy Jackson.  Luckily for Magnus, the pain is only for a bit until he wakes up again in Valhalla whole and complete.  Unfortunately, he will not have that option once he takes off on his quest to stop the Ship of the Dead.

Loki is trying to free the Ship of the Dead so he can go ahead and get started with destroying the Nine Worlds.  It is up to Magnus and his favorite Valkyrie, Dwarf, Elf and his einjerjar buddies to stop him before it is all to late and Ragnarok  begins.

Filled with Nordic mythology, a bit of mystery and plenty of adventure.   There is a little surprise relationship that develops that is very unique and made me stop and think but I really like the twist and am interested in where it will go.